The anarchist Rouslan Sidiki is accused of causing an explosion, on a railway used to transport military equipment and fuel to the Russian army in Ukraine. The result was the derailment of 19 carriages of a goods train. There were no casualties, although the driver’s assistant sustained non-serious injuries. Russian Railways assessed the damage at €300.000.
Rouslan has been charged with committing a terrorist act, and possession of explosive material. He is faced with between 12 and 30 years’ imprisonment.
Rouslan’s comrades say: “Rouslan is a proponent of anarchist ideas, and the Russian military aggression against Ukraine distressed him greatly. All the more so because some of his friends and comrades died in that conflict, and people continue to die there”.
Rouslan does not deny that he organized an act of sabotage. He drew attention to a stretch of railway along which military equipment and fuel is often transported to the front. Rouslan set out, on purpose, to damage the track under a goods train, to avoid casualties. He monitored progress using a video camera.
Rouslan’s motive was completely opposite to terrorism. Sidiki has repeatedly stated that his action was, on the contrary, aimed at preventing deaths and injuries. He insists that his objective was to damage the infrastructure for the delivery of goods.
Rouslan states categorically his opposition to damaging civilian infrastructure, and all the more to attacking peaceful civilians.
We remain convinced that every single person who takes action against Russian military aggression is worthy of defence and solidarity.
Legal defence is especially important to those accused of “terrorism”: we have learned in practice that, in these cases, the security services often use torture and other methods of intimidation. Moreover, the prison sentences for “terrorist” offences are significantly longer than for others.
Address for letters and parcels:
125130, Россия, Москва, ул. Выборгская, д. 20, СИЗО-5,
Сидики Руслан Касемович 1988 г. р.
It is possible to send letters through the electronic service «Ф-письмо», PrisonMail.Online.
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