He faces up to life imprisonment for sabotaging military infrastructure
Rouslan Sidiki is an anarchist from Ryazan, an opponent of the war, and a dual citizen of Russia and Italy. At the end of November 2023, he was detained on suspicion of sabotaging railway tracks in the Ryazan region, which resulted in 19 cargo wagons derailing.
For 24 hours, military forces tortured Rouslan — subjecting him to electric shocks and beating him. They demanded not only a confession for the railway sabotage but also statements that Sidiki was allegedly planning another explosion. The defense managed to obtain evidence of the torture — a medical examination of Rouslan upon his admission to the pre-detention center (SIZO).
After obtaining a confession, law enforcement charged Rouslan Sidiki under the article for “an act of terrorism.” Later, a similar charge was brought against him in connection with the attack on the Dyagilevo military airfield using quadcopters. At that time, one of the drones reached the runway and exploded there.
In May 2024, investigator Vladimir Razgulyaev charged Rouslan Sidiki with “undertaking training with the intention of perpetrating acts of terrorism” (Article 205.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This article carries a punishment ranging from 15 years to life imprisonment.
Rouslan does not deny that he sabotaged the railway tracks and organised the drone attack on the military airfield. However, the anarchist does not consider these acts of sabotage to be terrorism. Sidiki has repeatedly stated that his actions were, in fact, aimed at preventing harm to people from military operations. His sole objective, according to his own claims, was to damage military infrastructure that facilitates the killing of people.
Rouslan’s comrades share: “As a supporter of anarchist ideas, he was deeply affected by Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. This was made even more painful by the fact that his acquaintances and comrades have been killed in this conflict, and people continue to die.”
Rouslan Sidiki’s lawyer has filed a motion to recognise the anarchist as a prisoner of war — the Geneva Convention allows for the granting of such status to membersof organised resistance movements
Rouslan’s lawyer serves as a defender not only in the legal sense but also in a physical one. After the human rights lawyer got involved in the case, the security forces continued to threaten Rouslan but never acted on their threats of physical violence.
To secure his defense over the next six months, we need €4,000.
Support Rouslan Sidiki’s defense in any way you can!
give “for Sidiki” as the reference
if you send cryptocurrency to support Rouslan,
please inform us by email to solidarity_zone@riseup.net
Address for letters and parcels:
125130, Россия, Москва, ул. Выборгская, д. 20, СИЗО-5,
Сидики Руслан Касемович 1988 г. р.
It is possible to send letters through the electronic service «Ф-письмо», PrisonMail.Online.