Angel Nikolaev is an anti-war activist from Khabarovsk. He was detained last summer for his participation in anti-war actions. Nikolaev was accused of setting fire to a military enlistment office, painting crossed-out “Z” symbols on vehicles displaying pro-war symbols, destroying a banner featuring a military insignia and the letter “Z,” and “desecrating” the Russian flag and burial sites. Nikolaev allegedly painted crossed-out “Z” symbols on Russian flags placed near the graves of soldiers who participated in the invasion of Ukraine.

On May 3, the 1st Eastern District Military Court in Khabarovsk sentenced Angel Nikolaev to 15 years in prison. The first 4 years of the sentence are to be served in a prison facility, with the remaining time in a high-security penal colony. Nikolaev’s lawyer has filed an appeal against the harsh sentence, and the activist is currently awaiting the transfer of the case to the Military Appeals Court.

Address for letters and parcels:

680038, г. Хабаровск, ул. Знаменщикова, д. 6, СИЗО-1,
Николаев Ангел Александрович 1984 г. р.

It is possible to send letters through the electronic service «Зонателеком».

How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?